Sunday, March 28, 2010

Figurative Series (03-28-10)

Available at Silvana Gallery.

I have a good news here, my painting "A quiet moment" (January 8th's post) has been selected to the top 30 of 12th Annual International Portrait Competition by Portrait Society of America.
I expected something better, but I am still very happy this time because I only did one finished portrait painting last year.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Figurative Series (Make a friend 2)

Available at Silvana Gallery.

I painted a few kids paintings recently. This is a new subject for me, but I really enjoyed to paint it. I think I will paint more if I have the chance later.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Small Still Life 03-02-10

If there is no light, we are not able to see any shape, value or color. So, no matter what the subject is, we just painting the light.
I put the still life under the "portrait light", than painted it as a portrait painting, and if I put them under the nature light, I think I can paint it as a landscape painting (I will do it later once I get a stabled nature light). So I think the subject should not be a matter for an artist, the matter is how to see the subject in the light environment.
Please email me if you are interested in this one.