Sunday, March 17, 2013


I finished another successful 3 day workshop last weekeed. The workshop was in Canton, Mississippi, the southern parts of the United States I have never been.

Thanks to Pat Walker who arranged the workshop, and special thanks to Cindy and Marge for such a wonderful treat, I will treasure the friendship forever.

This is the first domo I did during the workshop, and it's my third time using the limited palette (Ivory Black, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red and Titanium White), I feel more comfortable using it now. Copper was a model for the first time, he did a very good job, and he looks very serious  :)


Karen Werner said...

I greatly admire your work. You mentioned a limited palette. Would you please share the pigments you are using?

Fongwei Liu said...

Hi Karen,

Thank you. The limited palette I used is: Ivory Black, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red and Titanium White

Bruce B. Hancock said...

Beautiful control of values. Wonderful work!

Fongwei Liu said...

Thank you Bruce :)