Monday, March 26, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Early Spring - Muir Beach

My 8"x 8" canvas came too late, so I missed Waterhouse Gallery’s Small Gems show :( I will paint something earlier and join them next year. Anyway, I did this small landscape last week, I feel 8"x 8" is an interesting size to paint.
I have good news this week, my painting “Christmas in the Park” has been accepted for 21th Annual National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils by OPA, wish me luck! :)
By the way, I was honored to be the judge of Boldbrush Painting Contest for last month, and it was difficult for me to eliminate so many beautiful paintings. Congratulations for all the winners!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
April Workshop at Sunnyvale Art Gallery

I am going to do a 2 day (27th and 28th) Workshop at Sunnyvale Art Gallery next month. If you are interested in painting portrait or clothed figure with me, please contact Sunnyvale Art Gallery as soon as possible, the spaces are limited.
By the way, the drawing Workshop in my studio last weekend was very successful, everyone did an excellent job. The only regret was that I did not get enough time to finish my drawing, so could not share it here :(
I fixed the problem on my last painting, I like it a lot now :)
Friday, March 16, 2012
Gregory - SOLD

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Early Spring - Morgan Hill

An artist asked about edges in the comment of my last posting, here is a little bit of my thoughts about the edges, hope it will help.
There are many differences in degree from hard edge to edgeless. The edges are related to values, and we do have a couple of principles for applying the edges when we paint something:
Harder edge for form shadow; softer edge for cast shadow; sometimes no edge between the form shadow and cast shadow.
Apply harder edge if you want to create something closer, apply softer edge if you want to create something further.
Of Course, there are a lot more we can talk in detail about the edges. .. The values and edges are like the notes of the music, bouncing around on your canvas, good artists compose them to a beautiful music.
Leave your question in a comment if you are interested in my thought about the question, I may share in my later posting when I get a chance.
By the way, I did not like the head part of my early painting “Figure Series 12-01” on February 17’s posting, I repainted the head and reloaded the image, I think it looks better than before :)
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Figure Series 12-04 - SOLD
Friday, March 2, 2012
In the Garden - SOLD
Thursday, March 1, 2012
March Workshop at my studio

My Workshop at my studio this month will be on the 10th and the 11th, here is what we are going to draw – the beautiful “Giuliano Medici”.
During this two days Workshop, I will do the step by step demo and draw with other artists. Again, I think this is one of the best trainings to learn the technique concepts and improve the modeling skill before drawing or painting from model.
I may have one more spot available this month, if you are interested please contact me by email at fongweiliu@gmail.com as soon as possible.