The gesture interested me. I used wash technique for the dark part of the painting, and watercolor technique on the light part of the sofa.
Let me know if you are interested in me sharing a little bit of my thoughts about my posting, I can write a little more for the later posting...
This is beautiful. I would love to hear about your wash technique.
Same as Wanda, I would always be interested in hearing more about your techniques, strategies, or thoughts that go through your mind as you make decisions when painting. Edges give me the most trouble, so I am particularly interested in hearing how you created various edges to impart the image in your mind. Thank you! Very nice painting. You nailed the lovely gesture!
You're a master of the paint brush! I'm positive everybody would love to hear more. Maybe you could even make some instructional DVD's at some point.
Thanks for your efforts.
Yes, please- more insight into your process would be invaluable!
Really a wonderful painting!
Please Please Please tell us anything and everything about your technique. I have been a huge admirer of your work ever since I saw it first.
Thanks a lot.
Best wishes,
P.S. This painting is just superb.
The pose is most interesting, I love the angle of the leg. I also love the bright light on her back, simply beautiful. WOW oh wow! The colors speak as well, I adore the green couch with the blue fabric against the orange backdrop.
Would love to hear more from you on your techniques and style. Does watercolor technique mean that you left the white areas open? Initially I thought perhaps water color technique meant using more turpenoid or liquin...
Thanks everyone for your comments!! I will try to include some of my thoughts about your comments in my future posting :)
Best Wishes!
Hi Sara,
Yes, watercolor technique here means I left the white open as the light part or high light. Using more medium to "wash" is the technique used a lot in watercolor painting and Chinese painting, and it can be applied to oil painting too...
Happy Painting!
Beautiful painting, and good to read about your technique
Very lovely! So expressive, and vibrant. Love the gorgeous blue of her robe...what colors did you use to get that? It is so rich!
amarylisb, the color may looks a little different in original, as I remember the main color for that was Ultramarine Blue.
Beautiful piece. The mood jumps right off the screen at me.
Your work is very pleasing and inspirational. If you were ever so inclined, and could find the time to develop them, I would certainly invest in instructional materials (books or DVDs) developed by you.
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